I kNow a Fighter
I know a teen-aged boy with a million dollar smile.
He loves dogs and playing Xbox.
He is happy; existing as though he has no worries.
He has tumors throughout his body and he always will.
He knows no self-pity.
He is a Fighter.
I know a sparkly girl, who adores pandas and going to the car races.
She has a tumor in her brain and she is maturing more
quickly than the girls she loves to go swimming with.
She never complains.
She is a Fighter.
I know a brother and sister with a twinkle in their eyes.
Reading is his passion and hers is for animals.
They were born with a genetic condition.
His neck tumor threatens his ability to swallow or even breathe.
He is on a waiting list to try a treatment that may not even work.
They put on capes and they lead their
community in a charity walk.
They are Fighters.
I know a daughter graduating from high school.
She is compassionate and kind and loves
making her friends laugh.
School work is harder for her. It doesn't stop her from trying.
She educates the public about the disorder that
Caused her brain surgery.
She is a Fighter.
I know a son who will study engineering in college.
Music and friends, being a typical teen are what matter to him.
He has had 14 neuro-surgeries in 7 years.
The disruption in his life is unacceptable, but is not a barrier to his future.
He is an ambassador for the cause and when he speaks,
He inspires.
He is a Fighter.
I know a tiny girl who sings and hides her face from the camera.
She likes girly things, teasing her brothers and pulling at heart strings.
She has never known a day without pain
Or a life without struggle.
She is a Fighter.
I know a courageous mother, a proactive father, a supportive Grandma, a Devoted sister and
An Aunt who always shows up.
Inside, their fear knows no bounds.
Outside, they only show strength and perseverance.
They organize, fundraise, advocate, study, investigate, educate, run, walk, swim, bike, hold hands, wipe tears, and pray for eachother.
Meanwhile, they smile and they never lose hope.
They are Fighters.
I know a Foundation. It's colors are blue and green.
There are scientists, researchers, leaders
And a board of directors.
There are managers and program directors, coordinators,
Team leaders and interns.
And there are volunteers.
Each works passionately toward the same goals.
They support those living with Neurofibromatosis (NF):
Providing tools for activism and empowerment,
Events for funding and community building,
Campaigns for advocacy and awareness,
And most importantly,
They research
They are Fighters.
I know a donut-loving friend with bones that don't easily mend,
An undie running young man with big personality and limited mobility,
A pageant winning beauty with spirit and pride,
A legally blind canvas painting prodigy with philanthropy,
A rugby playing paralympian with an alter ego,
A softball loving little princess with an amputation,
A curious crew leader with a big heart and an eye patch,
An aspiring disc jockey with a shy smile and learning disabilities,
A mini, wise-cracker with big guns and chronic pain,
A debuting young video director with a cheek tumor and an aneurism,
A tough, Irish golfing fan undergoing chemo therapy,
A baseball slugging little man with a mischeivious grin and low muscle tone,
And I know angels...
With butterfly garden memorials,
Lives interrupted,
Dreams abandonned,
And greiveing families.
I think it's safe to say that I know a Fighter...
or Two.